Thomas led a lifestyle that was atypical of a mid-40-year-old corporate executive – long working hours coupled with irregular meal and sleep times.
A recent checkup with his physician, though, brought some home truths to light. His doctor advised that due to lack of physical exercise, Thomas was at risk of a host of health issues such as hypertension and high cholesterol.
Eager to encourage a lifestyle change, Thomas’s family arranged for a day out hiking at a popular nature trail – Broga Hill. Located in Semenyih, scores of hikers descend onto the location every weekend to enjoy the fresh air and spectacular scenery from atop the hill.
The hike was a huge success as Thomas felt invigorated being in the great outdoors and close to nature. He felt an immediate uplift in spirits and wondered aloud how much better his health would be if he could do this regularly.
That was when his wife pointed out that there was a development located right next to Broga Hill. Called Hiijauan Broga, it is a mixed-integrated development by HCK Capital Group, featuring residential and commercial components.
Thomas’s interest was certainly piqued and the idea of living next to a gorgeous nature trail refused to leave his mind.
Mindful that health is indeed wealth, Thomas decided to start the process of moving his family to the green paradise that Hiijauan Broga promises to be. He was looking forward to a healthier lifestyle in a home surrounded by nature.
Want a change of lifestyle like Thomas? Find out more by visiting: